Sunday, April 08, 2007

A Blog a day, that's all we ask...

I am a Blue Diamond Almond, dull but crunchy, salty and plentiful. A buttermilk sky and a Brahms piano concerto opened my morning today as my father walked his route and I drove by him, honked at him, and exchanged finger gestures jestfully with him. It was a good morning and I wish I had written on it. So, I hereby vow to word-it-up every day till the beginning of May, create a word or too and see why the chips fall where they do and who if anyone is in attendance to hear them fall at all. Too many moments these days are going unwritten, with a pair of journals and a pair of blogs and a side order of scratch paper tucked into books half-read I see that practice takes precedence over thought. And clarity is the answer to everything. Without further ado, I hit the POST button...


Anonymous said...

I'm here to read it...

Anonymous said...

Dull? Hardly! Keep blogging! I need something to entertain me at work. :)

Gratitude Day 1

Inspired by real life needs and a beautiful gift of compact words set in a tome, I am sitting here with an idea of gratitude. If there was a...